After completing his English education at Pamukkale University School of Foreign Languages in 2014, I graduated from Pamukkale University Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in 2014 _cc781905-5cde-1331559c became. In 2019, I started my professional life at Mersin City Training and Research Hospital. I left the hospital in 2021 and continue to serve at the Physiogen Healthy Living Center.
Seminar and courses
2015 Acupuncture and Reflexology , Denizli
2016 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Muscle Tone Disorders
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b3b-136bad _cc781905-5cde-3194- ccde-3194cf13631365c5cf3b31994cbdc13653155cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Approaches, Denizli
2016 Taping Training , Denizli
2017 Basic Dry Needling , Denizli
2017 4. National Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Student Congress, Denizli
2017 III. National Rheumatological Rehabilitation Congress, 2017, Denizli
2017 Pamukkale University Hospitals Workplace Health and Safety Unit,
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b3b-136bad _cc781905-5cde-3194- ccde-3194cf13631365c5cf3b31994cbdc13653155cf -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Student İGS Education, Denizli
2018 Matrix Rhythm Therapy , Denizli
2018 Cupping Therapy Course , Izmir
2018 Manual Therapy Course , Izmir
2018 Taping Training, İzmir
2018 Craniosacral Therapy Course, Izmir
2019 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Seminar
2019 Entrepreneurship in Physiotherapy and Career Congress
2020 Manual Lymph Drainage and Measurement Techniques Training
2020 Advanced Upper Extremity Orthopedic Manule Therapy on treatment and -5_ccc38311994_badccf783194_ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc5819_f583bd_cc781904-bb3353b_cc581905cf335359cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc5819_f58cf313353b_cc581994-bb3353bd_cc581994-bb3353b3b3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ assess
2020 Kinesiologic Elastic Tape
2020 Lower Extremity Advanced Orthopedic Manual Therapy
2020 Upper Extremity and Extremity Nerve Entrapment, Trigger point and_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad_5cf378-ccf-136bad_-5bb31905_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb359ccf358d1363593cf35941 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc5819_f58cf31365cde-cc5819_f583353bbd_cc581994-bb335359cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_cc-5819_f58cf313353bd_cc581934-bb3153bd -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 136bad5cf1905cde_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf1931305c_ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Graston method of Instrument - assisted soft tissue mobilization
2020 Advanced Orthopedic Manule Therapy Lumbo - Sacral, Cervical and c-136bad5cf58dcf5835934cf583b-136bad5cf581904-136badc359cf583b-136bad5cf583b-136bad5cf581904_cf359 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc5819_f58cf31365cde-cc5819_f583353bbd_cc581994-bb335359cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_cc-5819_f58cf313353bd_cc581934-bb3153bd -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 136bad5cf1905cde_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf1931305c_ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Thoracic region manipulation and mobilization techniques
2021 Men's Health Physiotherapy - Sexuel Health
2021 Men's Health Physiotherapy - An Introduction to the Intergrated Male Pelvis
2021 Dynamic Physiotherapy Approach in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
In the advanced stages of soft tissue damage, bone fractures or calcification, problems requiring rehabilitation may be seen after surgical procedure. Long-term or short-term programs are implemented in the rehabilitation program.
Neurological Rehabilitation
The aim in the rehabilitation process is, in general, to live as independently as possible with the highest quality of life. The main purpose of physiotherapy is primarily to restore or improve the patient's previous function.
Athlete Rehabilitation
The rehabilitation program is to return the athlete to the pre-injury activity level while minimizing the risk of re-injury to the athlete.
Manual Therapy
The aim of manual therapy is to increase the restricted movement, called blockage in the joints, in postural balance, at the highest degree and painlessly, to provide function and to protect body mechanics.
Home Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
The success of neurological rehabilitation depends on the patient's ability to continue the given movements in his own living space.
It has been determined that rehabilitation at home accelerates the adaptation of the patient to social life.
Oncological Rehabilitation
Oncological rehabilitation includes prevention of cancer and minimizing risk factors, reducing complaints during the disease process, increasing the level of independence and increasing the quality of life, and physiological and psychological support for the cancer patient and his family in the terminal period.
Rheumatological Rehabilitation
The benefits of exercise in Rheumatological Rehabilitation are to maintain/increase range of motion, strengthen muscles, increase static and dynamic endurance, increase locomotor mobility, bone density, general functions of the patient, aerobic capacity and make them feel good, reduce body weight, reduce the number of swollen joints, pain and inflammation. sorted as.
Geriatric Rehabilitation
It is the whole of the restoration, adaptation and education services performed with the aim of preventing, delaying and reducing the functional losses due to physiological loss or various diseases in the elderly. It is the most important component of elderly care; It is a philosophical approach that aims to improve the quality of life by considering medical evaluation, health care, physioanatomy and function.
Respiratory Therapy
It is a program that improves the functional level and independence in activities of daily living, as well as increasing the effectiveness of standard medical treatment applied to chronic (continuous) lung patients.
Scoliosis Rehabilitation
Progression of curvature by physiotherapists
stopping, reducing the angle of curvature, improving the cosmetic appearance,
Various scoliosis-specific exercises to protect against the effects of scoliosis and reduce pain in adults.
approaches are applied.
It is a sub-specialty of physiotherapy that includes non-surgical approaches specifically planned and applied to various health problems that can be seen in men.
With men's health physiotherapy by focusing on the pelvic floor muscles, sexual health problems and dysfunctions of the pelvic organs can be treated.
Güvenevler district, Hüseyin Okan Merzeci blv. Dry apt. No:530 D:6/6 , Yenişehir/Mersin
0534 983 1779