Rheumatological Rehabilitation
Rheumatic diseases are diseases characterized by intense pain felt especially in the joint areas. Common symptoms of rheumatism:
Pain in one or more parts of the body, in the joints
Pain that increases with rest and decreases with movement
Joint tenderness, pain
Stiffening and discomfort of damaged joints as a result of inactivity
Reduction of pain, albeit for a short time, after light exercises. However, increased pain after prolonged, heavy exercise
Increased pain due to increased pressure and humid climate
Temporary relief of pain with cold application
Listed above are the general and common symptoms of rheumatism. Some of these symptoms may be in the foreground, depending on the cause of their occurrence and the living conditions of the person. Or some symptoms may not be felt at all.
The benefits of exercise in Rheumatological Rehabilitation are to maintain/increase range of motion, strengthen muscles, increase static and dynamic endurance, increase locomotor mobility, bone density, general functions of the patient, aerobic capacity and make them feel good, reduce body weight, reduce the number of swollen joints, pain and inflammation. sorted as.
With Rheumatological Rehabilitation;
Movement restriction can be prevented.
The intensity of the pain sensation can be reduced or its frequency can be reduced.
Joint and muscle movements are supported.
It is ensured that the muscles that lose their strength due to rheumatism gain their strength.
The current state of health of the patient is improved.
Depending on the reduction of pain, the quality of life increases and the person can fulfill his daily responsibilities more comfortably.